Author: SREC Admin

DetailsEach Thursday, we hold a version of what’s called our “Wicked Smart Sit Down.” Most often, these are open office hours with our family team held virtually over Zoom. Other times, it’s a live training that we believe will make an immediately impact. It’s a perfect opportunity for members of the Wicked Smart Community (new and old) to bring questions, deals, or the willingness to learn something. There’s absolutely no cost to attend these free trainings. All we ask is that you show up on time, shut off all distractions, and have a pen & paper or your Notes app...

DetailsEach Thursday, we hold a version of what’s called our “Wicked Smart Sit Down.” Most often, these are open office hours with our family team held virtually over Zoom. Other times, it’s a live training that we believe will make an immediately impact. It’s a perfect opportunity for members of the Wicked Smart Community (new and old) to bring questions, deals, or the willingness to learn something. There’s absolutely no cost to attend these free trainings. All we ask is that you show up on time, shut off all distractions, and have a pen & paper or your Notes app...

DetailsEach Thursday, we hold a version of what’s called our “Wicked Smart Sit Down.” Most often, these are open office hours with our family team held virtually over Zoom. Other times, it’s a live training that we believe will make an immediately impact. It’s a perfect opportunity for members of the Wicked Smart Community (new and old) to bring questions, deals, or the willingness to learn something. There’s absolutely no cost to attend these free trainings. All we ask is that you show up on time, shut off all distractions, and have a pen & paper or your Notes app...

There are no age limits in real estate. Even veterans of the industry can still learn some new tricks and pivot their careers. Bill Reich was in commercial real estate for close to 40 years. And at the start of his career, he did office sales and leasing. But he switched to investment sales later on. And it wasn’t long before Bull started making acquisitions. And he did it in partnership with investors from the Bay Area. Bill also began dabbling in business development in commercial real estate at some point. Back in 2006, he was already starting to think about retirement. After...

Your career path will largely determine your income. And a real estate career is among the lucrative ones. But how much effort will it take you to become a real estate professional? I found an old internet survey that caught my attention recently. It featured certain career paths that are widely believed to be where people can earn the most money. But what surprised me was that the perks that come with being a real estate professional seem to outweigh those professions. What do I mean? For example, you may decide to become a doctor, which means you need to spend around nine years...

Mike Makredes is one of our High 6 Associates from Fresno, California. He’s been in sales throughout his career, and Mike now works in the agricultural industry.  He handles the sales of over 12 million cases of produce, worth about $150 million per year. So, he understands the financing aspect of loans and things like that.  Sure, his current field has nothing to do with real estate. And Mike didn’t even have any real estate experience before coming to us.  The fantastic thing about Mike’s investment journey is that he jumped straight into becoming a High 6 Associate. He saw that other High 6...

What is your commitment to creating a positive learning experience for yourself? I asked because I want to share with you my experience in this area. Over the years, I have been fortunate enough to spend time with entrepreneurs and highly successful people. From Peter Lowe’s events in the 90s to Dan Kennedy’s and Tony Robbins’ seminars in the 2000s, I was out there learning from the best. And that was by my choice. In fact, I could go back even further to my college days when I listened to cassette tapes nonstop in my car. And during those times, I was constantly challenged...

We understand that getting started in a new industry, especially if you have no prior experience, can be daunting and discouraging. But making the switch into the TERMS industry, whether you have prior real estate experience or not, can be a truly life-changing moment. It was for Mike Makredes, who is now one of our certified coaches, and it can be for you too.  Mike joined us while he was still working a full-time sales job and managed to quickly master the TERMS niche. Here's his advice on how to get started in this industry. I'll start by saying that I never...

When I first moved to DC for graduate school, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, so I ended up meeting somebody, getting married, and having two kids. Fast-forward 50 years. I’ve been here in the DC area pretty much all that time except for a year back in New York, where I was born and raised to be a Brooklyn Dodgers fan. I also spent three years in San Francisco and a year in Dallas. But aside from that, I spent a good 50 years here in the DC area. I spent most of that time in commercial real...