
In the conventional real estate market, expired listings often scare away investors. Why would you pursue a house that has sat on the market for months? It's a recipe for disaster. But in our world, things are different. The rent to own market is completely separate from the conventional buying and selling market. When we take on a property, we're marketing it to a completely different group of people—and often a much larger group of people.  Just recently, I did a video with one of our couples in High 6 (also one of our Certified coaches) who sold a home in...

As a family business, we understand that there are a lot of pitfalls to working with people close to you. It can be difficult to separate work life from home life, arguments can affect family dynamics, and tensions can run high when money is on the line. But there's also the other side of running a family business. You get to work every day with the people you love most, and the business can enrich all of your lives collectively. It's something you can pass down to future generations and it's a great way to teach your children how to become...

When you get on the phone with a potential tenant-buyer, there are a number of things you need to explain to them. Your job is to educate them on the process, make them comfortable with you, and help them understand that you're a legitimate business. They want to know that they're in good hands and that you have their best interests in mind. We have scripts that explain how to do all of this. In general, if you follow the scripts, you'll be successful when you're on the phone with buyers. But just as you need to know what to say, you...

One of the most valuable aspects of having a mentor or coach is that they can help you avoid obstacles. They've done the same things you're doing, and they've hit all of the obstacles that you're going to hit. A mentor can share that knowledge with you, allowing you to progress rapidly by bypassing those same roadblocks. Here are four of the most common obstacles we see people encounter in the terms niche. These are lessons that we've learned ourselves and that we help nearly all of our Associates navigate. Obstacle #1: Minutiae! When you first get your hands on a property, you're...

Want to know how you can be successful? It all comes down to 3 simple things, and I'm going to go through them right now. #1: Find a way to hire a coach Notice how this is not "hire a coach," because we understand that sometimes you can't just go out and do that. People tell us all the time they don't have the funds or resources to hire a coach. That's okay. Most of us didn't either when we started out. There are creative ways to hire a coach and educate yourself, even if you don't have the funds. Find a partner to go...

Are terms deals worth the wait? Well, you can decide after reviewing this brief overview, but terms deals involve multiple Paydays over the length of the term. So, are they worth the wait? Unlike a traditional real estate transaction where everyone is paid out in one large transaction, terms deals involve multiple paydays over the course of the term, which is generally anywhere from one to four years or even more. These drawn-out payment schedules sometimes scare people away from terms deals. So, is it really worth the wait? Well, in most cases, the answer is clearly and unequivocally YES. Terms deals are far...

We understand that transitioning to real estate and starting your own business can be a daunting task. There’s a lot to learn, a lot to take on, and many uncertainties involved. That’s why our coaching program is centered around personal development, growth, and goal-setting. If you want to succeed in any business, you need these foundational skill sets. Being able to set goals, make a plan to achieve them, take action, and track your progress will ensure that you’re successful in nearly anything you do. But how do you start? The important thing is to take it slow. Implement daily disciplines, form...

I talk a lot about designing your own lifestyle. This might sound like a complex or impossible task, but trust me—it’s not. People make this out to be much more than it is. Designing your own lifestyle is actually very simple. All you need to do is find someone who has traveled the path you want to travel. Connect with them, and ask them to mentor you. That’s it. Seriously. All Successful People Use the Same Method This is the tried-and-true process that nearly every successful person has used to get to where they are today. It’s no secret, most outstanding achievements and incredible...

In 2008, I found myself in the worst debacle of my life. I was knee-deep in the middle of the worst real estate market crash since the Great Depression. I wasn’t sure if my business would even make it through—it was that bad. We did end up making it through, of course. Looking back, I’ve realized that even during that crisis, there were opportunities available to me...

I always told our kids when they were growing up that with the right discipline, they could be outstanding at anything. Deep down, we all know this to be true. But how many of us actually act on that and implement good, healthy daily disciples into our lives? Not many. So here’s a question for you: What new disciplines could you start acting on today? And which discipline do you know will improve your business and/or your life, but you just haven’t done it yet? Here’s a quick exercise you can do right now. Just fill in the blanks:   I know if...