
Moneeka Sawyer is the blissful millionaire. She is the creator of the Blissful Real Estate Investor Formula and is the international best-selling author of the award-winning book “Choose Bliss: The Power and Practice of Joy and Contentment.” She teaches you how to invest for the future of yourself and your family through real estate in a way that takes very little time and is low stress. Using her strategies, investors have been able to pay for big life events such as college education, weddings, and retirement. She believes that we can and should choose bliss in all areas of our...

Chris is the best-selling author of Real Estate on Your Terms: Create Continuous Cash Flow Now, Without Using Your Cash or Credit. He’s also the founder of and the Smart Real Estate Coach Podcast. Chris has been in real estate for over 25 years. His experience includes the construction of over 100 single-family and duplex homes (mostly in the 1990’s and selectively to date), has owned a Realty Executives Franchise (Massachusetts 1994-2000) as broker/owner which maintained high per-agent standards and eventually sold to Coldwell Banker in 2000. The 2000’s included coaching ½ million and higher REALTORs® in order to scale...

Sharon Spano helps high-level leaders transform how they think, adapt, and respond in complex business environments. As a Behavioral Strategist with a Ph.D. in Human and Organizational Systems, Sharon leads her clients through specific research-based practices that empower them to embody their highest potential in business and in life. Sharon is also the author of The Pursuit of Time and Money: Step into Radical Abundance and Discover the Secret to a Meaningful and Prosperous Life (2017). She also hosts a weekly podcast, The Other Side of Potential, which focuses on how C-Suite executives integrate the complexity of business with their own...

In 2012, Reed Goossens quit his job in Australia and moved halfway across the globe to the US to change his life, and to chase a dream. With limited funds, no investing experience, and no credit, Reed went from purchasing a small duplex to growing his own real estate investment firm, Wildhorn Capital. Reed now syndicates large multi-million dollar deals across the US. He has also achieved financial freedom and has taken control of life. Reed is also the host of the successful podcast Investing in the U.S., wherein he invites other distinguished real estate investors and entrepreneurs to speak with...

Jack Gibson began his entrepreneurial journey at 19, and founded his first company at the ripe old age of 21. Operating a successful nutrition consulting and distribution company, he had built a multi-million dollar venture before he was old enough to rent a car. Soon thereafter, he bought his first home as an investment. One quickly became five, and then the bug hit. He became obsessed with learning everything about Real Estate Investing and soon had over 50 investment properties generating passive income. Today, Jack spends his time mentoring other entrepreneurs, building his real estate investment portfolio, and helping other investors...

Jennifer Hansen is a writer and editor who grew a side gig of real estate investing into seven-figure holdings. She joined Smart Real Estate Coach as a High 6 member and launched her terms business, Burrow & Bell Property Solutions, in Fayetteville, Arkansas, last year. By the mid-aughts, Jennifer had a small real estate portfolio, but saw economic trouble ahead. She started selling properties and in 2008, wrote a controversial column predicting the recession and warning readers to reduce debt and simplify. Although she was able to sell most of her holdings, the recession wiped out the value of her remaining...

Jeff Schechter, AKA “Shecky,” has had the entrepreneurial bug his entire life. He started his first business right out of college and over the years been involved in numerous businesses ventures. His love for real estate investing began in the 1980s when he rehabbed five of his own residences, before the term “house-hacking” even existed. Since those early days of torn up kitchens and bathrooms, he’s bought and sold many properties and is an active investor to this day. In addition to investing, he operates a private consulting practice. He thrives on helping people realize their full potential…not just in business...

Bob Fraser is on a mission to help investors take advantage of one of the most effective and overlooked avenues of real estate investing: residential mortgage notes. As Founder and Principal of Aspen Funds, Bob has purchased more than 1,000 mortgage notes earning double-digit annual returns without the risk and volatility of traditional investing options. Bob has personal experience with the unpredictable nature of public markets. In the 90's, he launched a tech company, raised $44 million in venture capital, and grew it to over 300 employees. Then the tech bubble burst and he transitioned to finance and investing, becoming CFO...

Chris is the best-selling author of Real Estate on Your Terms: Create Continuous Cash Flow Now, Without Using Your Cash or Credit. He’s also the founder of and the Smart Real Estate Coach Podcast. Chris has been in real estate for over 25 years. His experience includes the construction of over 100 single-family and duplex homes (mostly in the 1990’s and selectively to date), has owned a Realty Executives Franchise (Massachusetts 1994-2000) as broker/owner which maintained high per-agent standards and eventually sold to Coldwell Banker in 2000. The 2000’s included coaching ½ million and higher REALTORs® in order to scale...

For more than 25 years, Robert Rose has helped marketers tell their story more effectively through digital media. As the Founder of The Content Advisory, Robert has worked with more than 500 companies, including 15 of the Fortune 100. He has provided strategic marketing advice and counsel for global brands such as Capital One, NASA, Dell, McCormick Spices, Hewlett Packard, Microsoft, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The Content Advisory is the education and consulting group for The Content Marketing Institute. “Marketing is telling the world you’re a rock star. Content Marketing is showing the world you are one.” Robert’s third...