All in the Family - Smart Real Estate Coach

All in the Family

All in the Family

Chris Prefontaine chats with

Mark Timm

Chris Prefontaine chats with         Chris Prefontaine chats with        
Mark Timm           Mark Timm          
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    Episode 59:

    When Ziglar Family CEO Mark Timm heard Zig Ziglar speak for the first time almost 3 decades ago, it changed his life direction. Mr. Ziglar’s timeless principles inspired Mark to start more than a dozen successful businesses.

    But when his business success didn’t transfer to his family life, Mark and his wife Ann got intentional about applying those time-tested Ziglar principles to leading and growing a successful, blended family with six children.

    Today as CEO of Ziglar Family, Mark passionately shares the Ziglar principles that have worked so well for his family to empower millions of other families around the world.

    Ziglar principles have guided Mark to significant achievements, from becoming a national FFA officer as a teen, to becoming a highly successful entrepreneur and starting more than 12 businesses. He has spoken professionally for over 25 years, giving thousands of speeches to over one million people in 48 states.

    But his highest priority is to keep his family as the most important thing. Together with his wife, Ann, he is proud to parent six of the coolest kids on the planet — three boys (Markus, Kavyn, Zachary) and three girls (Mary, Cassandra & Grace). They live near Indianapolis, Indiana. When not helping families in the Thrive community, Mark enjoys flying airplanes, traveling with his family, and engaging in fun outdoor activities with his kids.

    What you'll learn about in this episode:

    • How easy it is to win at work while losing the battle, or missing it altogether, at home, and how Mark had his aha moment
    • The lightbulb message that changed Mark’s life and family forever
    • Reasons why running your family like a corporation is beneficial to your family
    • Why Mark believes you need to give your family the best and the first instead of the last and the least and what making that not-so-subtle shift can do for your thinking and for your family
    • The first step for making the transition to run your family like a business
    • Tools Mark used to help his family understand and function better as a cohesive unit to build a better “business” and as a result to strengthen the family
    • Why Mark believes consistency is an absolute essential for making this familial philosophy work
    • Simple tools to get reluctant family members on board and excited about even the most mundane aspects of the family business, like family meetings
    • Why it’s so important to make sure that everyone speaks and offers their input in families and how family meetings give them opportunities and platforms for doing just that
    • The astonishing effect incorporating the family had on the discipline process in the household and how is helps to serve as teachable moments for the other children in the family
    • The importance of having a family mission statement
    • How Mark believes incorporating his family and bringing them into his other business ventures with him has strengthened the relationship they all have together
    • What Mark does first thing in the morning every day and how he believes it’s changed his life
