10 Aug Don’t Miss an Opportunity To Be All In, with Steve Mernick, Brian O’Neill, Russell Ham, Mike Makredes

Chris Prefontaine chats with
Steve Mernick, Brian O'Neill, Russell Ham, Mike Makredes
Episode 364:
Steve Mernick:
Steve Mernick and his wife, Lauren, are the founders of Home On Your Terms and are based in eastern Connecticut. Steve serves as the company’s Acquisitions Director and loves crafting up creative solutions for sellers, while Lauren works as Sales Director and enjoys helping deserving buyers achieve their goal of home ownership. When not working on their own business, they are mentoring other investors who wish to learn the terms of the niche of real estate.
In their free time, they are with their two young children and two dogs. Steve can also be considered a Cornhole connoisseur, so you may find him outside perfecting his form.
Brian O’Neill:
Brian O’Neill is a real estate investor and business owner. He and his wife, Katie, have been happily married for ten years and enjoy spending time with their son, Will.
BKW Property Solutions was started to provide flexible real estate solutions for both buyers and sellers. They serve the Greater Chicagoland area and help buyers realize their dream of owning a home. When Brian and Katie experienced many of the common challenges of selling their own home many years ago, they knew there had to be a better way.
That is the foundation of BKW Property Solutions, and they look forward to serving your needs. There is a better way!
Mike Makredes:
Mike Makredes is from Fresno, California. He has been in sales all his professional life, and currently working in the Ag industry for the largest melon, broccoli, and corn grower in the US. He handles sales for over 12 million cases ($150 million) of produce per year. What brought him to Chris and the Smart Real Estate Coach team was the thought of getting out of the rat race and into a business that he can control on his terms.
Russell Ham:
Russell Ham was born in Southern California about 10 minutes from Disneyland. He is the youngest of four boys all born in the 60’s. After graduating high school, he began coaching high school boy’s basketball. He continued to coach for 30 years until last year. Russell is a high school PE teacher and is married to his beautiful wife, Emily, and they have two children. Lacie, who’s 17 years old, and Jesse, who’s 14 years old. They also have two dogs, Ella and Willow.
Russell started with SREC in April of 2019. Russell was looking for a real estate niche (i.e. fix & flip, buy & hold, BRRRR) and came across Chris’ Youtube channel. Instantly Russell got hooked for two reasons: One, how open Chris, Zach, and Nick were with showing you how to do real estate on terms through the YouTube channel, and two, the Wicked Smart community is second to none. They show you the way to be successful and are with you coaching/mentoring you side by side.
What you will learn in this episode:
- Why investing in yourself is what it takes to be successful
- How being fully immersed leads to a pattern of success
- Why it is imperative that you do not allow yourself to miss opportunities for not only content, but also for developing relationships within the community
- How people outside the community can get themselves into the right room
- Things you should know about going to the QLS Live event
- Ways you will hit the ground running with propelled confidence after being at the live event
Steve’s Resources:
- Website: http://homeonyourterms.com/
- Facebook: Facebook.com/homeonyourterms
- Instagram: instagram.com/homeonyourterms
Brian’s Resources:
- Brian's Podcast: https://bkwpropertysolutions.com/podcast/
- Website: http://bkwpropertysolutions.com/
- http://bkwpropertysolutions.com/ebook/
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/bkwpropertysolutions/
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/bkwpropertysolutions/
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/brian-o-neill-5069216/
Mike’s Resources:
- Mike's Website: http://mtmpropertysolutions.com/
- Mike's LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/michael-makredes-8359211aa/
Additional resources:
- Follow Chris and Zach on Club House to learn even more about deal structures and how to get 3 paydays from your real estate investments.
- If you’re looking to secure some lines of credit for your business, check out Fund and Grow – Visit the Resource page at https://smartrealestatecoach.com/resources
- Schedule a FREE Strategy Call: SmartRealEstateCoach.com/action
- Register for our free masterclass: www.SmartRealEstateCoach.com/mastersclass
- Real Estate on Your Terms by Chris Prefontaine
- SmartRealEstateCoach.com/webinar
- SmartRealRstateCoach.com/ebook
- SmartRealEstateCoach.com/QLS
- SmartRealestateCoach.com/botfox
- SmartRealestateCoach.com/tools
- SmartRealestateCoach.com/eaze
- smartrealestatecoach.com/podcast20