QLS Live: VIP Ticket - Smart Real Estate Coach



QLS Live: VIP Ticket

Original price was: $1,500.00.Current price is: $497.00.

The day after any of our major events, we hold a closed-doors training session for Associates in our Wicked Smart Community. In year’s past, we’ve allowed prospective coaching students to purchase entry into the room as a shadow or silent observer for as much as $1,500. This year, we’ve decided to bring back the option to tack a VIP pass onto your existing QLS Live ticket. In addition to the Development Day, you'll also receive access to an Evening Social on 9/14 reserved only for our coaching students and VIPs. You can either purchase the ticket here or you can apply to become an Associate and gain free access as a member of our coaching program.

NOTE: Should QLS Live 2023s in-person event on September 13 &14 be cancelled for any reason relating to hotel conference space closure, government shutdown or a company decision for health and safety reasons, this ticket will be honored at either the makeup date or for a potential virtual presentation on/following the advertised date(s). We look forward to seeing you in Newport, RI this September!
