Traditional financing methods in 2023 are killing deals as rates rapidly rise - Smart Real Estate Coach

Traditional financing methods in 2023 are killing deals as rates rapidly rise

Traditional financing methods in 2023 are killing deals as rates rapidly rise


Chris Pre here, with a critical warning for R E investors. We just wrapped up one of the best events in Wicked Smart® history, QLS Live 2023… I was honored to be around such talent, drive, and tenacity. At the event, I touched on WHY leveraging creative financing in 2023 is absolutely CRITICAL for investors who want to make the rest of 2023, 2024, and 2025 their best years yet. Traditional financing methods in 2023 are killing deals as rates rapidly rise. If you're doing deals with banks or hard money lenders — that's the old way that can put you in a lot of risk and flatline your returns. Investors who do not adjust their investing strategy for today's conditions will be left scrambling. I believe you MUST learn how to buy houses and fund deals creatively (without big banks, hard money, or personal credit risk) if you want to maximize your returns in 2023 and beyond. And there's no better time to start buying on TERMS than now (and I’ll tell you exactly why when you join me Thursday, September 21 at 2:00PM EST). I’m hosting an emergency workshop about the state of the market and why creative financing is going to be the winning strategy for investors over the next decade. I’ll show you how to: ✅ Bypass the market’s interest rates, cutting out unreliable and less profitable traditional financing from banks / hard money ✅ Close deals on YOUR terms using creative strategies ✅ Eliminate personal risk and build true wealth ✅ This is about showing seasoned investors how to adapt to the changing market and new investors how to create a game plan around today’s landscape. RSVP now to learn how to get started with creative financing and prepare for the future of your real estate business. As part of my emergency training series, I’ll reveal the insider strategies you NEED to navigate today’s market and stay ahead of the competition. Don’t get left in the cold. The investors who learn to leverage creative financing will control the market. Will you? RSVP now!


When & Where

September 28, 2023 (2:00 pm) – September 21, 2023 (3:30 pm)

Virtual on Zoom

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