25 Oct Become an Awakened Millionaire
Episode 15:
*Update* For anyone who knows Dr. Vitale and his life changing advice, we are excited to announce a new program he is working on with us. The 31-Day Billionaire, learn more here!
Dr. Joe Vitale is a globally famous author, musician, marketing expert, movie, TV, and radio personality, and also one of the top motivational speakers in the world. His many bestselling books include “The Attractor Factor,” “The Key,” “Attract Money Now,” and “Zero Limits.” His latest release is out, “The Awakened Millionaire” and “The Miracle: Six Steps to Enlightenment.”
A popular expert on the law of attraction and several movies including “The Secret,” Joe has also appeared on all top TV networks and in The New York Times and appeared on Newsweek as well. His most recent accomplishments include being the world's first self-help singer-songwriter as seen in Rolling Stone Magazine. To date, Joe has released 17 albums. Several of the songs were recognized and nominated for the Posse Award, the Grammys of positive music.
Dr. Joe also created the Miracles Coaching program, which you're going to hear more about to help people achieve their dreams. This man, once homeless, is today a bestselling author who believes in magic and miracles and has spent the last four decades learning how to master the powers that allow us to channel the pure creative energy of life without resistance.
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Now, let's get into the show.
Welcome, Dr. Joe.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Great to be here, Chris. I love what you're doing.
Well, thank you so much, and I know it's super early where you are, and I gotta say, I've been thinking and thinking since our private dinner together in Texas back a month or so ago. I'm thinking about the chat, thinking to myself, man, there are just so, so many things we could chat about with your amazing background, so take us behind the green curtain if you would, Dr. Joe, and give us some context maybe to one of the things I referenced, the kind of the when, why, and how that you launched that Awakened Millionaire project, which I think is so cool.
Well, “The Awakened Millionaire” book and project is my latest mission, and what I'm trying to do is to help people overcome their own hidden unconscious beliefs that are causing them to have a lack in sales, a lack in income, a lack of more money coming in. What people don't know is that they are unconsciously blocking their own success. This is the cornerstone message of all my work. It's why I write my books today. It's why I started Miracles Coaching today. It's to help become what I call an Awakened Millionaire.
An Awakened Millionaire is somebody who has made peace with money, internally, and even spiritually, if you will, and they're also enjoying the material side of life. That's the awakened part, that's the millionaire part. My mission with the book, the book is a manifesto, it's to set people on fire to help them realize that if they love their business, if they love what they're doing, and they go out there and express that passion, they will make a profit from it, but it all takes place inside, and this is what I'm so excited about.
I've done so many things in my life. I could talk about marketing, copywriting, and publicity. I could talk about all the different books that I've done, all the different things from music to whatever, but what's really important is for people to realize that once they remove their own internal limiting beliefs about money, they can have more sales, they can close more deals, they can be happier, even, and healthier, even, when they follow their passion and turn that into profit. It's a big concept, but The Awakened Millionaire is, it's a movement.
Source: Pexels
[bctt tweet=”“An Awakened Millionaire has made peace with money, internally, and spiritually.” – @mrfire”]
I think it's so cool. Coming home from the visit with you, I devoured the book and I thought immediately, man, oh man, that real estate, every profession, obviously, can use that. Using that answer as a backdrop, if you will, would you say that's the case regardless, Joe, of what business people are in because obviously, again, I see it with real estate entrepreneurs all the time.
Yeah it does not matter what business people are in. What matters is that they do what I think is what's needed is to follow their unique passion. Hopefully, everybody that's in real estate that's on this call loves real estate, and they're passionate about this business. That's where I want them to be, but that passion could be for anything. It can be for a person that's running a bakery, it can be for somebody who, like me, is primarily an author. I'm passionate about my books. I love books. I'm a book nerd. I'm a book addict, and so writing my books and talking about my books is a form of passion for me.
I think that's the secret. You want to look within, and you want to find out, what am I excited about? What do I care about? What is my passion? What is my purpose? What is my calling? When you pursue that, you will tend to make more profit. You still have to work on your beliefs about money, your beliefs about deserving this and so forth, but as you work on those beliefs and as you follow your passion, no matter what kind of profession it is, you will tend to do fantastically better. It doesn't matter if it's real estate or copy shop some place.
Let's explore that one a little deeper. Let's say someone listening has a passion. They are not a full-time entrepreneur yet in real estate or anything, and they've got a job. They want to be in their own business, they want to be a real estate entrepreneur, digging deeper into that, eliminating beliefs, and the passion, maybe what two or three pieces of advice would you give them as they contemplate how to make that transition so they say, “I've got passion, but …”
Yeah, “buts” are really easy. I mean, there's excuses all over the place, and what we want to do is realize those buts are excuses, which are beliefs, and all those beliefs need to be looked at so that you can say, “Is it true? Is it true? Am I too old to actually go into business? Am I too young to actually go into business? Do I not have enough experience to go into business?” You gotta look at all of these objections like you're selling yourself, and you are also doing the close with yourself and get to the point where you can dismantle them and release them so you can go out there.
If there were two or three things, I would say is first, love where you are. Love where you are. This goes all the way back to Napoleon Hill and his famous book “Think and Grow Rich,” and if people haven't read it, that should be number two on their list. Go read “Think and Grow Rich.” If they have read it, go back and reread it, but Napoleon Hill talked about loving where you are.
Love your job as it is. Fighting with it, resisting it, complaining about it, these are all low-energy complaining mentalities and vibrations that won't help you leave it or help you be happy now. It's really important to love where you are, appreciate where you are, because if you in a job, there are millions of people who wish they had it. There are lots of people out there struggling and even starving, so what you want to do first is to love where you are, be grateful where you are, just really relish the fact that you've got work, you've got employment.
And, number two, you look at, “how do I get started in real estate? What do I do to open my business or get my business cards going? What is the baby step I can do right now?” Most people who don't take action don't because they're overwhelmed with their own big idea. Oh, they want to have the largest real estate business in the state, and maybe they haven't even made their first sale, maybe they haven't made their business cards.
The very first step is to do an obvious baby step in the direction of that big dream. When people have a big dream, they can suffocate under it, unless they realize, wait a minute, let me do something right here where my shoes are, right here in this moment. What is the first obvious step? Maybe it is making the business cards, maybe it is looking for the office property. I don't know what it is that's unique to each person, but here's the key: Once they do that first baby step, the next step becomes apparent. Then you do that next obvious step, and when you do that one, the next step becomes apparent.
Instead of sitting there and being overwhelmed with the idea of being an entrepreneur or opening a business, what you do is bring it all the way down to what's doable and what the baby step is in this moment, and you do that. That would be the second thing that I would do.
The third thing that I would do is to get support, and what I mean by that is a kind of a mastermind. Napoleon Hill wrote about masterminds in “Think and Grow Rich” and a bunch of other of his material. A mastermind is where two or three people or more, usually it's about six people, but they're in a group to support each other. They don't need to be in the same business. Very often, it's better if they're not in the same business, but these are people who support each other with resources and with energy, with mentality, with encouragement.
They're kind of like cheerleaders, and we get into a mastermind where people can say, “Yeah, you can do it.” They believe in you as well as you believe in yourself, and they can bring you up on those days when you don't believe in yourself. A mastermind is a pool of resources. Napoleon Hill also said that when you're in a mastermind, when you're, got at least one other person and two or more gathered, there's a kind of a third mind there.
That's almost metaphysical or esoteric but you're tapping into this world consciousness, almost like a collective unconsciousness, and when two or more people are gathered, they can support each other to achieve those dreams of entrepreneurship or real estate business or whatever it happens to be even faster.
Those are two or three things right there that I would do on a very practical level.
Source: Pexels
[bctt tweet=”“Love your job as it is. Complaining about it won’t help you leave it.” – @mrfire”]
I love it, and as you know, Joe, we have masterminds. I know you're a big advocate of those, obviously. I remember, as you were talking, I was thinking when we had dinner, you mentioned, and I forget what question came up for you to go this direction, but you mentioned how important it is for mentors and how when you seek out someone, you don't just seek them out, you immerse yourself in it and just devour the material. I remember that.
What could you share with these guys about the importance of mentors in general? I mean, they're all looking for guidance. Like you said some are overwhelmed. What are your thoughts on mentors?
I think it's absolutely brilliant to look for mentors. I want people to realize the first level of mentors has always been for me, authors. It meant that way back, when I lived in Houston decades ago and I was first coming out, I think my first book was in 1984. It was a cause for celebration because I was finally published, but it was also a cause for disappointment because I realized publishers don't know how to promote books, that it was up too the author to learn marketing, so I decided to learn marketing way back in the early 1980s.
Where did I go? I went to the library. I found authors who had written books on copywriting, advertising, publicity, marketing. That was my first level and first resource for finding mentors. These people who had already lived it, who had already figured it out put their ideas and their philosophies and their strategies and their to-dos right there in books.
That has been the case throughout my life. When I wanted to be a musician five or so years ago as I was nearing the age of 60 and it was on my bucket list, I thought, well, how do you write music? How do you record in a studio? How do you learn how to play the guitar? How do you do what you need to do to be a good musician? The first level I go to are books. Those are my mentors, but I notoriously had been known never to stop there because if the authors of those books are alive, I often reached out to them, and I did that when I was a kid.
When I was a kid and I thought I that I was going to be a boxer at one point, you're a kid, you have big dreams, and I was interested in boxing, Jack Dempsey was still alive. I wrote to Jack Dempsey. I still have an autograph photo of that early heavyweight boxing champion of the world. I did that when I was a kid, and I thought that I was going to be a magician. I remember being about 15 or 16 years old and wondering about my life and how do you become a Houdini in modern times. I wrote to a man who knew Houdini, John Mulholland, at that point and asked for his advice. I still have that two-page, type-written letter from, I think, 1970 or '72, something like that.
I do that today. When I decided that I was going to be a musician, I'm thinking, man, I'm going to read all the books, but where are the stars of music, and how do I reach them? I managed to go to the home of Melissa Etheridge, one of the greatest female rockstars of all time. I studied songwriting with her at her feet, in her home studio, just me and her.
I can go on with all these delicious stories because I love it, but what I'm saying is finding mentors is a brilliant clue to success, and it's not as hard as what people might be intimidated with thinking about because first of all, when I didn't have money, I went to the public library. Now, today, I go to Amazon every single day, and UPS or FedEx or the mail comes here every single day with more books written by mentors. I also know today because of the Internet, you can virtually reach anybody alive with email or just going to their websites.
I'm a big believer in mentors. I'm a big believer in having coaches and getting into coaching because we don't know it all. No individual knows it all. We gotta keep reaching out if we want to grow and if we want to succeed.
Yeah, and I think regardless of obviously, glaringly obviously, regardless of what we, what the listeners want to achieve, someone's been there. I remember reading your book, also a book I read on the way home of yours, “There's a Customer Born Every Minute” by P.T. Barnum, amazing story. It just, amazing book, Joe, by the way, and it rings throughout the book, well, this stuff's been, someone's been doing it for a long time, and that book goes back a ways.
Maybe help these guys with this thought: Some might be intimated. I reached out to you, people should reach out like you're talking about. What if they're intimidated? They don't know what to do or say if they're going to email an author. Just a quick thought on that, what should they do or say if they're going to reach out?
Well, I'd forget intimidation entirely because people are people, and they want to respond to people who sincerely want help. What I was taught decades ago is to consider how do you feel when somebody ask for help from you? You probably feel flattered, and if you can do it, you probably will do it.
Well, the vast majority of people, whether you think them famous or infamous are the same way. I've told stories throughout my life where, even as a kid, I would reach out to mentors, I would reach out to famous people, and I would sincerely tell them who I am and what I was trying to do. I would be short. I'd be sweet. I'd be complimentary. I have learned that if you want to reach somebody, you simply find their contact info, and you write them a sincere, short letter that begins with some sort of compliment.
I love it when somebody writes to me and said, “Oh, I'm a fan. I read your books,” or, “I saw you in the movie The Secret,” or even better, “I listen to your music, and I really love your songs and your vocals,” and then go into who you are. “I'm a beginning person. I'm starting a real estate office. I'm going to open my business,” and then tell me what you want. “I'm looking for a suggestion on the best book on copywriting or the best book on publicity,” or whatever they're looking for.
I have found that if it is flattering, short, sweet, direct with the call for what they want, their call for action, what's the question you have or the request, then more often than not, you're going to get your request because people are people, and they want to help sincere people.
Even better news today is because of the Internet, you're only a click away from anybody. Google anybody that's alive that you want to reach, and you're going to find their website, possibly their contact info right on the website, or you'll find their manager, their booking agent, or somebody that can get you to that person.
The short answer is, do not be intimidated. You have every right to ask, and more often than not, these people are going to say yes.
Terrific. If someone told me that years ago, I want to say on a date myself, but I think it was late '80s, they said, “Look, just reach out and sincerely compliment,” and I ended up buying people lunch, and of course, that was before the Internet was so crazy, so super, super advice.
I'm going to switch it up a little bit here, Joe, and dive into some of your thoughts personally. What are three things that you absolutely would not do in your business, absolutely would not do?
Oh my goodness, would not do. That's hard for me to think of because I think in terms of the positive, and I think in terms of what to do. Let me think. In terms of what I would not do, I would not stop marketing.
Yeah, that's huge.
Because I've written so many different books on so many different subjects, including, as you mentioned, I wrote a book on P.T. Barnum, and it was called “There's a Customer Born Every Minute,” I had to research his time period, which was the Civil War time in the late 1800s. Because I wrote a book about Bruce Barton, the founder of BBDO, one of the largest advertising agencies in the world at one point and I had to research the 1920s, I have more a historic overview of business unlike other people who just look at the now.
What I've seen is that the businesses who keep marketing, even in the hard times, and even in the successful times are the ones who last. It's real easy for people to stop their marketing when they go, “Well, business is good, our real estate sales, I'm closing all over the place. I'll stop running my ad.” That's one of the biggest mistakes of all time. You want to keep your promotion going through the great times and the slow times. You gotta keep it going, so I would not stop my marketing.
I would not stop growing, stretching, learning, educating myself, inspiring myself. This is one of the secrets to business is you gotta keep learning, you gotta keep up. Today, one of the things that I feel like I'm on a, I'm sprinting to keep up with is the whole social media aspect. The Facebook, the Twitter, the Instagram, and all the other things that I don't know anything about that seem like they're for the youngsters of the world. Well, the youngsters of the world are buying houses, and they're buying real estate, and they're investing, and they're entrepreneurs too, so I can't dismiss them or overlook them, so I don't want to stop learning. I gotta keep expanding my mind, my awareness, my consciousness, my technique.
Source: Pexels
[bctt tweet=”“One of the secrets to business is you have to keep learning. You have to keep up.” – @mrfire”]
I guess the third thing is I would not want to stop trying everything. I think a big problem in business is people want to do one thing. They say, “Well, I'll just do Facebook,” or, “I'll just do Facebook Advertising.” That's a big mistake. You want to do everything.
When people used to ask me, “Hey Joe, you were homeless in Dallas, and you were in poverty in Houston. What's the one thing you did to get out of it?” That used to frustrate the hell out of me because I thought everybody's looking for the one pill, they're looking for the one secret, they're looking for the one book.
I finally decided I do have an answer. There is one thing I did: everything. I did everything. Read the books, tried different things, tried advertising, tried direct mail, tried the, when the Internet came along, tried that, but I kept doing everything because you don't know what of the everything is going to work, so I would not stop doing everything. I'd keep pursuing it.
Those are the three things.
I love it because each one them, I made notes while you were going. The marketing, I remember someone telling me, I think it was Ron LeGrand way back when, he said, “Look, forget real estate for a second. When you know how to market, you can generate sales and income in any arena,” so I love it. I know you are the master of marketing. That's an understatement.
The growing and stretching, I just have a small call-to-action for the listeners. I, customarily, will from now until year end always, it's toward the fall season, so to speak, set up my stretching, my growing, my mentoring, my mastermind sessions, my seminars, everything for the following year, and I encourage everyone to do that based on Joe's thoughts there, so thanks for those shares, Joe.
I'm thinking, I actually have studied your material in one shape, form, or fashion going all the way back to 2004. We had dinner most recently, as I mentioned. I know you have constant ideas. How long do you stick with an idea before giving up, if you think you should abandon it? I think that's an interesting one for people to go through.
Wow. That's a great, interesting question. I think, I want to look at this differently, I think having the goal is what I don't want to give up on. I want to have a goal. It may be a financial goal for a certain amount of money, it might be for a certain level of success, but I don't want to give up on the goal. I may try different things to get to that goal, and along the way will be different ideas that I will pursue.
If some idea doesn't seem to be working, and again, I have to look at the bottom line and see is this nudging me in the direction of the goal, if it doesn't seem to be doing that, then I'll have to go look at do I need to tweak the idea, do I need to drop the idea, do I need to get somebody else to do the idea, or do I simply let it go? That's going to be very subjective. I'll do my best to be objective by looking like does this seem to be getting me in the direction of the goal.
What I don't want to give up on is the goal. I may fine-tune the goal, I may tweak the goal, but I won't surrender the goal. I may surrender the idea, but not until after I've pursued it enough to get a sense of whether it might work. That's a tough one to answer.
I love it, so hang on to the goal, and you broke it down quite simply, but obviously, the “hows” can change, the path can change. I love it. Very, very good.
Joe, we've all made mistakes along the way. You and I talked about it when we were together about my debacle in '08 and other people's challenges, but people who are successful obviously don't allow failure, even a colossal one to define who they are; instead, they jump back in the trenches, they don't stay in the fetal position, they keep moving. Tell us about a failure that you experienced and how you achieved success because of that. I know you had all kinds of them.
That's amazing because, again, this is not how I think, so it's hard for me to pull up the idea of failures. Part of the reason as why to pull up an idea of a failure right now is because I learned that the word failure is not accurate.
I have changed the word failure to feedback. It's feedback. Where somebody would say that you tried to do something, and it didn't work, I would say you tried to do something, and you got some very useful information as a result. That useful information, hopefully, caused you to rethink your direction and rethink the process to the goal so you can now take a different attempt at getting there.
Source: Pexels
[bctt tweet=”“Don't think in terms of failure. Look at the great feedback you get when something doesn’t work.” – @mrfire”]
I don't think in terms of failure, but let's go back to, I said my first book was published in 1984. Okay, so I'm finally published, and I've got the book in my hand. It's a proud moment. Then, shortly afterwards, I realized the publisher isn't selling this at all. The publisher doesn't know anything about marketing. I'm holding a book that, in other people's eyes, could be considered a failure. It's not selling. Nobody knows how to market it, including me at that point in time.
Is that a failure? No, because I got the feedback that publishers are printers. They may be prestigious printers, glorified printers, but they're printers. They don't necessarily know anything about marketing. That propelled me to learn about marketing, copywriting, publicity, to reach out to the greats of advertising, who I didn't know previously, and to study their works, again, mentors and books. I would devour all of that, and so I became a marketer.
Because I became a marketer and I started to promote my first book in the early 1980s, people in Houston noticed it, and then would ask me, “What are you doing to sell your book?” That moved me into becoming a consultant. I would, then, become, I think I called myself the book specialist back then, because people who wanted to write books or had written a book and didn't know how to promote it were now hiring Joe Vitale to write their ad copy or their news releases or their publicity. It moved me into a whole new direction.
Then I became more and more of a marketing consultant, more and more of a copywriter, more and more prestige was coming my way, and then of course, as the Internet came along in the early 1990s, everything I was doing offline in Houston to build my career, I put online, and now the world is noticing me, and I was considered one of the first Internet marketers. I wrote one of the first books on Internet marketing. Made my presence known, started getting clients from all over the world, from countries I never even heard of, didn't even know existed. I could go on and on, but where did it start? With a failure, with a book that wasn't selling, but I don't call it failure because that was a gold mine of feedback.
Publishers don't know how to market books. Okay. I will learn how to market books, and that changed my life. That can be called a failure, but as you can see with my detailed explanation, it's not a failure at all. That was a golden moment. It gave me feedback that changed my life forever.
Oh, it will certainly change the listeners' mindset, too. If I think back to my entire book, it was launched from the feedback, from the debacle of '08, so I just scribbled feedback across my page again. An amazing share.
Joe, to say you've had some really, really cool successes would be an understatement. What do you consider your biggest win, maybe of late, or through the long as you can think back and why.
Well, I've had a lot of them. I'm a very lucky, very lucky guy. I actually, for a seminar I'm going to be attending, had to create a graph of my life showing the highlights, the ups and downs, and when I first made the graph, it was a little intimidating because the first part of it, I was homeless at one point, so that's why down at the bottom and even off the page going so low and life is miserable kind of a graph.
Then as I got closer to the age of 50, more and more successes are coming, and now I'm going off the chart, upwards, like the sky is not even the limit. Man, we're just going into orbit with all kind of successes, but when I reflect over my life, there's all kind of wonderful things that come to mind.
I guess most recently, my success is a singer-songwriter, I performed in Austin, Texas, with my Band of Legends, got a standing ovation. That's a huge success for me. My most recent album is called The Great Something. I dedicated it to Melissa Etheridge, I wrote a song for her on it. I think the songs are the, better than anything I've ever done before. The Great Something is a big success.
I think about books I've written. My most recent book that you mentioned in the intro was called The Miracle, and The Miracle has been a bestseller repeatedly on Amazon, and there are 35 five-star reviews of it, the last I peaked at it, and so I'm very, very proud of that.
Of course, I've been in a bunch of movies, and the biggest being the movie “The Secret,” and if people haven't seen it, it's well worth seeing. It's inspiring, and not because I'm in it, but because there's a message for all of us, but that was a very life-changing moment for me.
I gotta admit, my first audio program with Nightingale-Conant, which was called The Power of Outrageous Marketing, that was a defining moment in my life because I had been a customer of Nightingale-Conant buying their cassettes early on and borrowing them from the library, listening to Wayne Dyer and all these wonderful people that were helping me when I had nothing and was nobody, and there was no evidence around me that I'd ever be a success.
Listening to Nightingale-Conant and just being so grateful for the material they were putting out, and then around 1998, I create my first program with them. That was a huge moment, and of course, I went on to create other audios and my audio called The Missing Secret. The Missing Secret that I recorded with Nightingale-Conant is their all-time bestselling audio program. It beat Lead the Field and Earl Nightingale and everything else they had ever done. I have a note from the president of Nightingale-Conant telling me this. Talk about a moment that is still fried in my mind as this golden trophy.
I can go on. I'm very fortunate, but obviously, I'm working at it and still working at it, still going for it.
Yeah, I appreciate it. We could probably spend three hours on it, and you actually gave them some of the key tidbits that they can do the exact same thing and whatever else they're seeking to do.
On this train of thought, Joe, what are the top three productive things that you do daily to be the very best at what you do?
I still read every day. I'm a bookaholic, as I mentioned earlier. I love books. I'm always eagerly looking for new materials. I'm reading about marketing, I read about psychology, I read about neuroscience, I read about success, I read other people, and I read the classics. I go back and read “Psycho-Cybernetics” and “Think and Grow Rich” and “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind.” I mean, these are classics of the success literature. I read every day. I'm reading biographies, I'm reading how-tos, I have books open in different places, all around. Even right now, I'm in one of my offices, and I'm seeing stacks of books waiting for me to continue reading them, and I will make time every day.
The second thing I do every day is I write. I am an author. I think of myself as that, first and foremost. I'm writing blog posts. I'm writing articles. I have five different books that I am pursing, that I am writing right now. Some will focus on pretty intensely and others will be on back burners, but I'm writing every day because I think this is a big ticket to my success, and I think it's my passion and life calling, so I'm going to pursue that. I'm going to keep after it with all the gusto I have in me.
The third is, I make time to allow the silence, meaning that I make time for relaxation, meditation, or simply gratitude. I think that is an essential missing step for virtually everybody in business because they're so driven to achieve goals, so driven to make more money, so driven for success. I certainly understand the drive. I certainly still have that, but I've learned that if I make time every day for receiving ideas, for being available for inspiration to make time for meditation or relaxation or silence, that I rejuvenate myself so that I can have that drive to continue success.
I guess I want to say one more tip. Those were three, but I want to give a bonus tip. I have learned the fundamental need for movement. What that means is, I workout every day. I work five days a week, I don't work out every day, but I work out five days a week. I got my own gym. Three days a week, high-intensity cardio, two days a week, strength training, one day lower body, one day upper body. I have found that this is an important ingredient to success. For the longest part, I did my best never to exercise because I thought it was a waste of time, and I can get away with it, but you can't get away with it. Life is movement. You have to keep moving. That's a bonus tip.
I appreciate the bonus, and I think we could go off on just the topic of discipline for hours upon hours, that that word popped in my mind as you were talking, obviously to get you where you've gotten.
Joe, as I wrap up here, couple more things, that everyone has role models, especially the people that have been on our show. Who's yours, presently?
Presently. Well, I wrote that book on P.T. Barnum, the circus promoter, and people need to know he was far more than that. He was an entrepreneur, politician, writer, speaker, negotiator. He was very spiritual. Barnum is still a mentor to me in my life. I will very often consider, what would P.T. Barnum do today? How would P.T. Barnum promote today? I don't think most people in business, including myself, think big enough. Most of us are taking these very conservative, reserved steps to increase our business, and I look at P.T. Barnum, and I look at the Barnum-like characters that have been throughout history.
In my book, “There's a Customer Born Every Minute,” I talk about the 10 things he did then that are the 10 things that we can still do today. I talk about, as you know, because you read the book, all the people like Sir Richard Branson that are doing many of those still today. P.T. Barnum, Richard Branson, and people of that big-thinking caliber are my mentors today.
I actually have, I can't stress enough for the listeners, I know we've brought it up a few times, but I have the book on my cabinet here. It's pages torn, it's pages folded, it's notes, it's stickies. You guys, you gotta immerse yourself in all of Joe's books, but certainly that one of the more recent ones there.
Joe, could you spend a couple of minutes or however long you want on just what the Miracles Coaching is because I'm going to include it in the show notes and having really taken a deeper dive into your materials over the last few years, I think it's absolutely critical, not just for real estate people, but for everyone to get on that path. If you could just tell them, what is Miracles Coaching?
I started Miracles Coaching well over a decade ago because I realized in my own life, I had the biggest breakthroughs when I had a coach. What I mean is, we could all change and grow on our own. We do it all the time, and if you listen to shows like what you're doing, and you're providing so much information, and people act on this information, they're going to grow, they're going to change, they're going to get more of the results that they want in life.
If they read the books that I'm talking about and go back to the great success literature, whether it's “Think and Grow Rich” or my own books like “The Attractor Factor” or “The Awakened Millionaire,” “There's a Customer Born Every Minute,” and keep working on themselves, they're going to grow, they're going to change, they're going to go in the direction of their dreams, but if they want to accelerate it, they need a coach because a coach is somebody who could objectively look at you, your life, and listen to you and reflect back to you the limiting beliefs and the littlest snags that are holding you back that you won't see.
I say that working on ourselves is a little bit like trying to play chess with yourself. You know your own moves. You can't outsmart yourself because you're working within your own system of beliefs, you're working within your own state of consciousness, and you need somebody on the outside of your beliefs who can objectively reflect back to you what you're thinking, and you don't even know you're thinking it. You can't possible know it without intense, ruthless scrutiny of yourself because it is your own belief system. You're living out of your beliefs, so it's difficult to see your beliefs.
I created Miracles Coaching, and I trained all the Miracles coaches to be this outside ally. This is the person who can be the mirror. This is the person who can be your reflector. This is the person who could point out the beliefs and help you release them and remove them. This is the person that could help believe in you that you really need, as you're going through, the efforts to achieve more in your life.
Miracles Coaching has been profound. I did it over 10 years ago, which described at miraclescoaching.com. Everybody there has been trained by me. You'll see a video of me describing it there. There's a form where people can apply to have a consultation. There's no charge for the consultation. You can get a sense of whether it's for you or not, but in my opinion, anybody that wants to have a breakthrough, that wants to have accelerated results needs to have a coach, whether it's Miracles Coaching or something else that you believe in, but I really think they need to have a coach.
I still use coaches today. I still use them today because I'm not done, and I'm still growing, and I still find limiting beliefs within me. The only reason that I was able to leave homelessness and poverty and start to have gradual to phenomenal success is that I got coaches along the way. In the early days, I was fortunate enough to find people who just saw something in me and donated their time, and today, I willingly pay people to be a coach for me because I know the priceless power of having a great coach. That's the essence of Miracles Coaching, somebody that believes in you and can help you.
I love it. I mean, priceless power, absolutely in an infinite return, and we could go on and on how important. I think from 19, as you're talking, I'm thinking from 1991 until now, I don't remember ever not having some type of coach, whether it be personal, real state, nutrition, whatever it might be.
Here's my last question for you, Joe. Let's imagine for a moment that you're standing in front of a room, and the room is brand-new real estate entrepreneurs, and so they're battling their way through the normal fear, anxiety, uncertainty about whether or not they made the right decision to jump into the lovely business of real estate entrepreneurship. What would be two or three strategies that you'd recommend that they'd focus on, so in order to best ensure their success, not directly necessarily related to real estate, because that's not what your focus is, but because there's so much of being an entrepreneur is personal development and related, a few thoughts for them.
Yeah, that's a great question. The very first thing I would do is write down your goal. What is your goal? What do you want out of being in real estate, or what do you want to be by being an entrepreneur? I would spell it out as vividly as possible so that you can say, “My goal is in one year, I am making these six figures or seven figures or eight figures,” I mean, dream big. What seems like it's a stretch, but it's possible?
I have a quote that people have been circulating all over the Internet, all over Twitter, and everywhere, and it says, “The goal should scare you a little bit and excite you a lot.”
When you write down your goal, it makes you a little un-nervous, it makes you a little shaky, but also, it makes you really excited, like “Boy, when this one comes through, I'm going to dance in the streets and sing in the rain.” That's how exciting it is for you.
I saw documentary about billionaires at one point, and this billionaire had told somebody that if you go to a party and you tell somebody, some stranger, what your goal is, and they don't think you're crazy, then you haven't thought big enough. I would keep the idea of writing down your goal having these elements of fear, of excitement, of boldness.
The second thing I would do is, I would do something every day in the direction of that goal. Again, keep in mind the baby steps. You don't have to do something overwhelming. You don't have to do something terrifying, but you do have to do something. Some of the baby steps will be obvious and unique to the business, whether it's real estate or some sort of entrepreneurship, opening a restaurant or whatever it happens to be.
It'll be something that you want to do, but I would also include in there that that to-do should be reading success literature every day. Read Think and Grow Rich, read Psycho-Cybernetics, read The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. Read these classics. You don't have to read the whole book in a day. Read a little bit every day.
The third thing I would do is I would visualize your goal having already occurred. Most people, if they know about visualization and mental imagery know that you sit and you imagine having your result, and most people imagine it down the road, like six months from now or a year from. You got your business, and it's flourishing, and you're driving the hot-rod car and whatever else that you got on your bucket list, but what I'm suggesting is a little different. You visualize that it's already done. You already have the successful business. You're already driving the hot-rod car. You're already living in the mansion or the beach house or whatever it is that you were longing for.
Instead of visualizing it down the road, off in the distance, off in the future, you embody the completion of it in this moment. I would spend a little time every day, especially at night when you're getting ready to go to sleep, and just do this little self-hypnosis, trance-like experience where you pretend that you accomplished your goal today, and what does it feel like to accomplish it because this will accelerate the manifestation and the attainment of the very goal you want. You'll tell your mind this is what you want. Your body will feel like it's already true. Your unconscious mind can't tell the difference between what's real and what's imagined, so when you imagine it with this feeling of reality, it will go forth to make things happen to create it for you.
Those are the three things off the top of my head.
Source: Pexels
[bctt tweet=”“Your goals should scare you a little bit and excite you a lot.” – @mrfire”]
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this share. I mean, I'm so glad I saved that question for last, because that was deep, direct, and actionable. That was really awesome, Joe, I mean from the beginning until the end. It wasn't … I can't express that appreciation enough. I'll wrap up with a couple of thoughts here for our Smart listeners.
My closing thoughts, as always, guys, you can listen to this and other episodes over and over and over, and I encourage you to, especially with the content that is packed into this by Dr. Joe, but in order to experience a quantum leap, you've gotta take action. Grab one, two, grab three items out of this interview, I mean, Joe shared probably dozens just in conversation, whether it be the “Think and Grow Rich” book or “The Awakened Millionaire” or “The Miracles Coaching,” you'll find a lot of these in our show notes, but by all means, go take action.
Joe, to say that you're busy would be an understatement with all the different projects you have going on, and I know we all have the same 168 hours weekly, and those go by so fast, and they're so super valuable, so thanks for sharing one of those with us today. We really appreciate it.
My pleasure. I love what you're doing. Godspeed to you and everybody listening. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ways to contact Joe:
- Website: www.miraclescoaching.com
- Website: www.attractmoneynow.com