Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, with Evan Carmichael

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs, with Evan Carmichael

Episode 241:

Evan Carmichael #Believes in entrepreneurs. Gary Vaynerchuck called him the DJ who inspires people and Ed Mylett called him the modern day Napoleon Hill. At 19, he built and then sold a biotech software company. At 22, he was a venture capitalist raising $500k to $15M. He now runs a YouTube channel for entrepreneurs with over 2 million subscribers and 300 million views, wrote four books, and speaks globally. He wants to solve the world's biggest problem, people don't #Believe in themselves enough. Forbes named him one of the world's top 40 social marketing talents and Inc. named him one of the 100 great leadership speakers and 25 social media keynote speakers you need to know. He's set 2 world records, uses a trampoline & stand-up desk, owns Canada's largest salsa dance studio where he met his wife and has a giant Doritos bag in front of him all day long to remind him that he's stronger than the Doritos. Toronto is his home. He's a husband, father, TSM Fan and Teemo main.

What you’ll learn about in this episode:

  • How Evan has worked to become the person he wants to be, and why he feels strongly in the power of belief and taking action
  • How the secret to connecting with the people who can help you is to be as helpful as you can be to them first
  • How to build a strong relationship with the people you want to connect with by being their “Chief Goal Officer”
  • Why it took Evan five years to get to 7,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, and how in the next five years he jumped to more than 2 million
  • Why Evan hired a video editor after realizing that spending four hours editing his own videos was training him in the wrong skill
  • What advice Evan would offer to anyone in a corporate position who is considering going full-time in real estate but is dealing with worries and limiting beliefs
  • Why Evan believes that taking a risk and dealing with potential failure is better than not taking the chance and spending the rest of your life wondering “what if?”
  • What big projects Evan is working on now and has slated for the future to increase his outreach and impact
  • Why being afraid isn't a good enough reason to avoid doing something, and why you should run toward your fear


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