How to Get Unstoppable Momentum as a Real Estate Investor with Jeremy Beland

How to Get Unstoppable Momentum as a Real Estate Investor with Jeremy Beland

Episode 476: How to Get Unstoppable Momentum as a Real Estate Investor with Jeremy Beland

Jeremy Beland and his wife have achieved remarkable success in real estate in a shorter amount of time than what most investors go through. They started their journey in real estate while still employed full-time with only $11,000 capital, investing about 50% of it in coaching. 


Over the years, Jeremy and his wife have closed over 450 off-market deals in multiple markets, hitting 6-figure profits consistently. Today, he is focused on guiding investors through coaching while simultaneously building his portfolio through different strategies, including creative financing. 


What you’ll learn about in this episode: 

  • What Jeremy’s background is
  • How the 2008 crash impacted Jeremy’s life
  • How Jeremy got into real estate investing
  • What benefits you can get from investing in coaching
  • What Jeremy did to overcome his limiting beliefs
  • What kind of deals Jeremy is focused on today
  • Why Jeremy decided to start coaching investors
  • What kind of support Jeremy provides as a coach
  • What it really takes to gain momentum in real estate
  • Why realistic expectations are important in real estate
  • What role your coach will have in your journey




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Schedule a FREE strategy session with us. This is an opportunity for you to have an honest conversation with our team about your background, investment goals and create some action steps toward creating the life of your dreams. Together we’ll discover where you are, where you want to be, and what’s in the way. Just visit:


Everyone is always asking us, “How is it possible to buy real estate without using my own cash or credit?” With decades of combined experience in real estate, we’ve perfected the process of investing creatively. We want to share as much as we can with you, which is exactly why we’re running this FREE workshop! If you’re thinking about leaving your job, escaping the W-2 lifestyle, and starting on the path towards creating generational wealth — this is for you! To register, just visit:


The Quantum Leap System has everything you’ll need to start buying and selling on terms (without banks and without your own money or credit), launch & scale a business that fits your goals, and strengthen your mindset so you can follow the proven path to becoming a successful real estate investor. You can learn more by visiting:


For additional information on lead generation, funding, mindset coaching, legal assistance, virtual staffing, and business growth, visit the Investor Resources section of our website at:


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Jeremy Beland