How to Invest in Real Estate

Our Six Core Values

By implementing these daily disciplines, you can achieve success in whatever you desire — it just takes time.

Our Six Core Values

Over the years, we've developed a set of six core values that guide nearly everything we do. If we ever need to make a decision in our coaching business, we ask ourselves if it would fall in line with our core values.

We hold these core values in high regard, and we take them pretty seriously. We talk about them often, and we encourage our Associates to adopt some of them in their own real estate businesses.

So, without further ado, let's dive into each of our six core values.

1. We Empower Individuals and Families

Our ultimate goal is to help people create wealth and build their ideal lifestyles. But as a family business ourselves, we place a huge emphasis on empowering not only individuals but families and their future generations. 

The method we teach can help anyone build generational wealth and set their family up for success for years to come. We understand all the nuances of how that works because we've done it ourselves, and we want to help everyone else achieve what we have.

We also understand what it's like to juggle a family, a job, and a side gig. We built this business while raising our own families, and we want to help you do the same. So whether you have a question about how to structure an owner-financing deal or how to juggle preschool pick-ups and seller appointments, we're here to help. 

Our mission is to empower individuals and families. Real estate just happens to be the vehicle that allows us to do that.

2. We Constantly Innovate and Improve

In the real estate business, things are constantly changing. We often say that within six months you're outdated, so we're constantly staying up to date on trends in real estate which also includes any new technology or new developments. We then use that knowledge to update all of our courses and educational materials, so everything is always up to date for our Associates.

More broadly, we're all lifelong learners. You can't teach people if you aren't also learning, so we put a major emphasis on constant learning for our coaches and our team. If you were to ask Chris, Zach, or Nick what books they've read in the past couple of weeks, they'll probably rattle off four or five. We're constantly reading and educating ourselves on everything related to real estate, personal development, and entrepreneurship.

In our business, we emphasize systems and processes. We have systems in our office to help us keep track of things like maintenance items or previous conversations we've had. We've spent a lot of time refining our process for getting deals under contract—from our seller and buyer documents to attorney signings, we've taken the time and effort to optimize each part of the process. 

We then pass on all of those systems, processes, and knowledge to our Associates! Anyone who enrolls in our Quantum Leap System Video Program gets access to our attorney packages and systems. Those packages alone have probably taken 10,000 hours of time for our attorneys to put together and systemize.

3. We Complete All Transactions with the Highest Integrity

At the end of the day, we want to help sellers who are unable to sell their homes and buyers who are unable to purchase a home. We are providing an extremely valuable service that allows people to purchase a home when they otherwise wouldn't be able to.

The fact of the matter is that a home is the largest purchase 99% of people will make in their lifetimes. We take this seriously, and we're not interested in taking advantage of anyone during this crucial point in their lives.

That means that if we see a way to improve a deal for a buyer or seller, we're going to let them know. When we talk with sellers, we work with them to structure the best deal possible for both parties. There are so many ways to pivot and so many ways to structure terms deals that we can be very flexible and accomplish many different goals for sellers. 

And for buyers, we are always trying to set them up for success. That might mean finding creative ways to get a deposit down—like using tax returns or work bonuses—or extending terms. 

Sometimes, buyers end up in a position where they're able to purchase a home before the end of the term. Some people might say we should avoid that because we'd make more money by having the deal go to the end of the term, but that goes against our values. Our job is to get the buyer in the home, and if they can do that before the end of the term, we'll be the first to congratulate them.

4. We Match Effort for Effort

We put a lot of effort into our Associates and we expect that to be reciprocated. We're not out here trying to push a wet noodle. This system only works when everyone puts in the effort required—both coaches and Associates. 

That's really all there is to say about this one! If you want the end result, you've got to put in the work. There's no magic pill. But if you put the effort in, we'll match you every time.

5. We're Clear, Blunt, and to the Point—No Gray Area

We are always clear, blunt, and to the point with our Associates and in all of our educational materials. It's just the way we operate as a family, but we also think it's incredibly important for learning in this industry. If we see you doing something wrong or an area where you can improve, we're going to tell you. That one thing could mean the difference between getting a deal under contract or not, which could result in an extra six figures in your pocket. See why we don't mess around with this stuff?

While some other coaches may just talk about doing deals, we lay everything out in extremely clear terms. Just check out our YouTube channel where you'll find hundreds of videos of us going through deals in extreme detail! We go through real terms deals with real numbers and real people. We're doing two to five of these deals in our own buying and selling business per month, and we're coaching our Associates through another ten to twenty deals per month.

We're in the trenches every week, and our goal is to bring that experience and knowledge directly to you. That means no fluff, no B.S., and no gray areas. We don't have time for that!

6. “Team Over Me”

We always prioritize the team over ourselves—whether that's our internal team or our Associates or the broader Smart Real Estate Coach community. We're in this to better people, and that means we need to look past our personal wants and needs and focus on what's best for the group.

Every Associate gets to come to our office and meet every member of the team. They become a part of the family, and we take that relationship seriously. This is not just a teacher-student relationship—we look out for one another. It's a reciprocal relationship that benefits everyone involved.

When we all prioritize the team over ourselves, we're able to make some amazing things happen. Just come to one of our events and you'll see it happen in real-time!

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